Table of Contents
Classes | |
BloonsMod | Expanded version of MelonMod to suit the needs of BTD Mod Helper |
BloonsTD6Mod | Extend this Class instead of MelonMod to gain access to dozens of easy to use built-in hooks |
ModHelper | Catch-all class for non-extension static methods |
Classes | |
Animations | Class to statically store RuntimeAnimationControllers for different animations |
Fonts | Class to statically store TMP_FontAsset for different fonts |
ModByteLoader | A class that can be generated by your mod in order to statically load a big complex Model object in your mod, like Ninja Kiwi does with the whole GameModel |
ModByteLoader<T> | A class that can be generated by your mod in order to statically load a big complex Model object in your mod, like Ninja Kiwi does with the whole GameModel |
ModContent | ModContent serves two major purposes: 1. It is a base class for things that needs to be loaded via reflection from mods and given Ids, such as ModTower and ModUpgrade 2. It is a utility class with methods to access instances of those classes and other resources |
ModGameMenu | Class for a custom BTD6 menu |
ModGameMenu<T> | Generic class for creating a ModGameMenu with the given type as it's base menu |
ModLoadTask | Class for a Coroutine style task that runs during the BTD6 loading screen |
ModMenuData | Class to be passed in to the Open methods of Screens |
MoreAccessTools | Further methods along the lines of Harmony's HarmonyLib.AccessTools |
NamedModContent | ModContent with DisplayName and Description that registers values in the LocalizationManger's textTable |
TaskScheduler | Class for scheduling Tasks using MelonCoroutines |
Interfaces | |
IModContent | Dummy interface to unite ModContent and BloonsTD6Mod |
Classes | |
BloonModelUtils | Provides Utility methods for dealing with BloonModels |
ModBloon | Class for adding in a new Bloon to the game |
ModBloon<T> | Class for a ModBloon which has a different ModBloon as its base |
ModRoundSet | Class for a custom RoundSet |
ModVanillaBloon | Allows you to easily modify the models of a specific vanilla Bloon |
ModVanillaBloons | Allows you to easily modify the models of multiple vanilla Bloons |
Classes | |
MatchLocalPosition | Component to make this transform continuously match the position of another transform |
ModGameMenuTracker | Component to track that a instance of a GameMenu's gameObject actually is the same ModGameMenu as was opened, as direct comparison on the Unity Objects does not work reliably |
ModHelperButton | ModHelperComponent for a background panel |
ModHelperCategory | ModHelperComponent for a category in the mod settings menu |
ModHelperCheckbox | ModHelperComponent for a Checkbox |
ModHelperComponent | Base for a helper component for making custom UIs in the same style as Vanilla ones |
ModHelperComponentExt | Extensions for mod helper components, for using generics and based on restricts for il2cpp objects |
ModHelperDropdown | ModHelperComponent for a |
ModHelperImage | ModHelperComponent for a |
ModHelperInputField | ModHelperComponent for a text input field |
ModHelperOption | ModHelperComponent that's the base panel for the visual representation of a ModSetting |
ModHelperPanel | ModHelperComponent for a background panel |
ModHelperScrollPanel | ModHelperComponent for a background panel |
ModHelperSlider | ModHelperComponent for a sliding input |
ModHelperText | ModHelperComponent for a background panel |
ScaleOverride | Custom component to keep the scale of a transform permanently at 0, even if an Animator tries to change it |
Structs | |
Info | Struct used to represent the name, position and size information of a ModHelperComponent |
Enums | |
InfoPreset | Specific common preset setups of Info structs |
Classes | |
MessageUtils | Utility functions used for sending messages over the network. |
Classes | |
ModMultiTextOverride | A bunch of ModTextOverrides that all share the same Active condition and don't require any on the fly determinations of their text |
ModSettings | Another class outside of the main BloonsTD6Mod class that ModSettings can be defined in. Rules otherwise work the same way |
ModTextOverride | Class for dynamically overriding In-Game text in a way that's compatible with other mods |
Interfaces | |
IModSettings | Interface to signify that BTD_Mod_Helper.Api.ModOptions.ModSettingsHandler.CreateModSettings(BTD_Mod_Helper.Api.Data.IModSettings,BTD_Mod_Helper.BloonsMod) should be called on this type |
Classes | |
ModBloonCustomDisplay | A ModCustomDisplay that will automatically apply to a ModBloon |
ModBloonCustomDisplay<T> | A ModCustomDisplay that will automatically apply to a ModBloon |
ModBloonDisplay | A ModDisplay that will automatically apply to a ModBloon |
ModBloonDisplay<T> | A convenient generic class for applying a ModBloonDisplay to a ModBloon |
ModBuffIcon | Class for adding a new buff icon that can be displayed for towers |
ModCustomDisplay | The custom version of a ModDisplay that loads in a model from a unity assetbundle |
ModDisplay | A custom Display that is a copy of an existing Display that can be modified |
ModDisplay2D | Mod Display specifically set up to be a 2d image |
ModTowerCustomDisplay | A ModCustomDisplay that will automatically apply to a ModTower for specific tiers |
ModTowerCustomDisplay<T> | A convenient generic class for applying a ModTowerCustomDisplay to a ModTower |
ModTowerDisplay | A ModDisplay that will automatically apply to a ModTower for specific tiers |
ModTowerDisplay<T> | A convenient generic class for applying a ModTowerDisplay to a ModTower |
Classes | |
RoundSetType | In game IDs for the round sets included in BTD6 |
TowerSetType | Enum-like class for the different tower set types |
Enums | |
ScheduleType | Controls how you want to wait the Task Scheduler to wait for your tasks |
Classes | |
ActionHelper | Class for converting actions and functions |
AttackHelper | A wrapper around AttackModels for making them easier to create |
CostHelper | Helper for scaling costs to difficulties |
FileDialogHelper | Class to help with the usage of Native File Dialogs |
FileIOHelper | Class replacing the original functionality of FileIOUtil before BTD6 update 33.0 |
GameModelExporter | Class for handily exporting elements of the GameModel to json files |
MapHelper | Contains helper methods for working with maps and custom maps. |
MatchScale | Component to make this transform continuously match the scale of another transform |
ModelHelper | A wrapper class around a Model |
ModelHelper<T> | A wrapper class around a Model |
ModelSerializer | Handles serializing and deserializing models in a way that utilizes their actual constructors |
ProcessHelper | Helper methods for processes |
ProjectileHelper | A wrapper around ProjectileModels for making them easier to create |
WeaponHelper | A wrapper around WeaponModels for making them easier to create |
Classes | |
ModHelperHttp | Http client used by the mod helper |
Classes | |
ModSetting | Base class for a ModSetting without the generics |
ModSetting<T> | Class for keeping track of a variable for a Mod that can be changed in game via the Mod Settings menu |
ModSettingBool | ModSetting class for a boolean value |
ModSettingButton | ModSetting for adding a button in the settings that performs a given action, with the setting just tracking the number of times that the button has been pressed. |
ModSettingCategory | Category of mod settings |
ModSettingDouble | ModSetting for a decimal value |
ModSettingEnum<T> | ModSetting for an Enum value |
ModSettingFile | ModSetting for selecting a specific file on the host computer |
ModSettingFolder | ModSetting for selecting a specific folder on the host computer |
ModSettingHotkey | ModSetting for a customizable Hotkey |
ModSettingInt | ModSetting for int values |
ModSettingNumber<T> | ModSetting class for a number, implying it can have a min/max value, and be an input or a slider |
ModSettingString | ModSetting for a string value |
Classes | |
ModGameMode | Class for a custom GameMode that will be added to the modes screen when starting a new match |
Classes | |
ModHero | Class for adding a custom Hero to the game. Use alongside ModHeroLevel to give multiple levels. |
ModHeroLevel | Class representing the UpgradeModel and changes for a particular Level for a ModHero |
ModHeroLevel<T> | Convenient generic class for specifying the ModHero that this ModHeroLevel is for |
ModParagonUpgrade | Defines the Paragon Upgrade for a ModTower. Remember to set the ParagonMode property. |
ModParagonUpgrade<T> | A convenient generic class for specifying the ModTower that this ModParagonUpgrade is for |
ModSubTower | Helper class for making a subtower |
ModSubTower<T> | Helper class for making a subtower for a specific other ModTower |
ModTower | Class for adding a custom Tower to the game. Use alongside ModUpgrade to define its upgrades, and optionally ModTowerDisplay to define custom displays for it. |
ModTower<T> | A convenient generic class for specifying the ModTowerSet that a ModTower uses |
ModTowerHelper | Class with helper methods for TowerModels / ModTowers Mostly used internally |
ModTowerSet | A custom collection of ModTowers |
ModUpgrade | A class used to create an Upgrade for a Tower |
ModUpgrade<T> | A convenient generic class for specifying the ModTower that this ModUpgrade is for |
ModVanillaContent | Class for changing Vanilla content within the game |
ModVanillaContent<T> | ModContent Class for modifying a certain set of vanilla towers |
ModVanillaParagon | Dummy ModTower that can be used to make a Paragon for a base tower. |
ModVanillaTower | ModContent class for modifying all TowerModels for a given Tower |
ModVanillaTower<T> | Helper class for changing a vanilla tower to be part of a modded tower set |
ModVanillaUpgrade | ModContent class for modifying all TowerModels that have a given upgrade applied to them |
Enums | |
ParagonMode | Defines the Paragon behavior for a ModTower |
Classes | |
AbilityModelBehaviorExt | Extensions for AbilityModels |
AbilityModelExt | Extensions for AbilityModels |
ActionExt | Extension methods for System.Action |
AddBehaviorToBloonModelExt | Extensions for AddBehaviorToBloonModels |
AirUnitModelBehaviorExt | Behavior extensions for AirUnitModels |
ArrayExt | Extensions for arrays |
AssemblyExt | Extensions for Assemblies |
AttackBehaviorExt | Behavior extensions for attacks |
AttackModelBehaviorExt | Behavior Extensions for AttackModel |
AttackModelExt | Extensions for AttackModels |
AudioClipExtensions | Extensions for unity audio clips |
BloonBehaviorExt | Extensions for getting bloon behaviors |
BloonExt | Extensions for Bloons |
BloonModelBehaviorExt | Behavior extensions for BloonModels |
BloonModelExt | Extensions for BloonModels |
BloonsTD6ModExt | Extensions for BloonsTD6Mods (for some reason lol) |
BloonToSimulationExt | Extensions for the BloonToSimulation |
ButtonClickedEventExt | Extensions for ButtonClickedEvents |
ButtonExt | Extensions for Buttons |
ComponentExt | Extensions for Component |
DeconstructExt | Adding more deconstruct methods to things |
DictionaryExt | Extensions for normal System Dictionaries |
DirectoryInfoExt | Extensions for DirectoryInfo |
DisplayModelExt | Extensions for DisplayModel |
DumpNodeExt | Extension for dumping textures from UnityDisplayNodes |
EmissionModelBehaviorExt | Extensions for EmissionModels |
EntityBehaviorExt | Behavior extensions for Entities |
EntityExt | Extensions for Entities |
FileInfoExt | Extensions for FileInfo |
FunctionExt | Extensions for Functions |
GameExt | Extensions for Game |
GameModelExt | Extensions for the GameModel |
GameObjectExt | Extensions for GameObjects |
GrowModelExt | Extension methods for Il2CppAssets.Scripts.Models.Bloons.Behaviors.GrowModel. |
HarmonyExt | Extensions for Harmony stuff |
IEnumerableExt | Extensions for the normal System IEnumerable class |
Il2CppGenericIEnumerable | Extensions for Il2cpp Ienumerables |
Il2CppGenericIEnumerableExt | Extensions for il2cpp ienumerables |
Il2CppGenerics | Extensions for il2cpp lists |
Il2CppGenericsExt | Extensions for generic il2cpp lists |
Il2CppIEnumerator | Extensions for il2cpp ienumerators |
Il2CppIEnumeratorExt | Extensions for Il2cpp Ienumerators |
Il2CppReferenceArray | Extensions for il2cpp reference arrays |
Il2CppReferenceArrayExt | Extensions for Il2CppReferenceArrays |
Il2CppStringArrayExt | Extension methods for Il2CppStringArrays |
Il2CppSystemDelegateExxt | Extensions for Il2cpp delegates |
Il2CppSystemDictionaryExt | Extensions for il2cpp dictionaries |
Il2CppSystemObjectExt | Extensions for Il2cpp objects |
ImageExt | Extensions for Images |
InGameExt | Extensions for the InGame class |
InputFieldExt | Extensions for InputFields |
InputFieldOnValueChanged | Extension for OnChangeEvent |
InputFieldSubmitEvent | Extensions for InputFieldSubmitEvents |
LayoutGroupExt | Extensions for LayoutGroups |
ListExt | Extensions for non il2cpp Lists |
LocalizationManagerExt | Extension methods for the Localization Manager. |
LockedList | Extensions for LockedLists |
LockedListExt | Extensions for LockLists |
MapExt | Extensions for Maps |
MiscModelExt | Other miscellaneous extensions for various Model classes |
ModelExt | Extensions for Models |
ModModelExt | Extensions for the ModModel (GameMode) class |
NK_TextMeshProUGUIExt | Extensions for NK_TextMeshProUGuis |
NKMultiGameInterfaceExt | Extensions for sending and receiving data in coop |
PetModelBehaviorExt | Extensions for PetModels |
PopupScreenExt | Extensions for PopupScreen |
PowerModelBehaviorExt | Behavior extensions for PowerModels |
ProfileModelExt | Extensions for ProfileModels |
ProjectileBehaviorExt | Behavior extensions for projectiles |
ProjectileExt | Extensions for Projectiles |
ProjectileModelBehaviorExt | Behavior Extensions for ProjectileModels |
ProjectileModelExt | Extensions for ProjectileModels |
RendererExt | Extensions for unity renderers |
RootObjectLockList | Extensions for RootObjectLockLists |
RoundModelExt | Extensions for RoundModels |
SelectableObjectExt | Extensions for Selectable Objects |
SliderEventExt | Extensions for SliderEvents |
SpawnerExt | Extensions for Spawners |
SpriteExt | Extensions for Sprites |
SpriteReferenceExt | Extensions for SpriteReferences |
StandardTowerPurchaseButtonExt | Extensions for StandardTowerPurchaseButtons |
StreamExt | Extensions for streams |
StringExt | Extensions for strings |
SupportModelExt | Extension methods for support models |
Texture2DExt | Extensions for Texture2Ds |
ToggleEventExt | Extensions for ToggleEvents |
ToggleExt | Extensions for Toggles |
TowerBehaviorExt | Behavior extensions for Towers |
TowerDetailsModelExt | Extensions for TowerDetailsModels |
TowerExt | Extensions for Towers |
TowerModelBehaviorExt | Behavior extensions for TowerModels |
TowerModelExt | Extensions for TowerModels |
TowerToSimulationExt | Extensions for TowerToSimulation |
TypeExt | Extensions for Type |
UnityDisplayNodeExt | Extensions for UnityDisplayNodes |
UpgradeModelExt | Extensions for UpgradeModels |
Vector3Ext | Extensions for Vectors |
WeaponBehaviorExt | Behavior extensions for Weapons |
WeaponModelBehaviorExt | Behavior extensions for WeaponModels |
WeaponModelExt | Extensions for WeaponModels |
Delegates | |
Function() | |
Function<T>() | |
InputFieldOnValueChanged.Function(string) | Represents a multicast delegate; that is, a delegate that can have more than one element in its invocation list. |
InputFieldSubmitEvent.Function(string) | Represents a multicast delegate; that is, a delegate that can have more than one element in its invocation list. |
SliderEventExt.Function(float) | Represents a multicast delegate; that is, a delegate that can have more than one element in its invocation list. |
ToggleEventExt.Function(bool) | Represents a multicast delegate; that is, a delegate that can have more than one element in its invocation list. |
Classes | |
MainMenuUI | Class to access the game's Main Menu UI |
MapSelectUI | Class to access the game's Map Select UI |
TitleScreenUI | Class to access the Title Screen UI |
Classes | |
RoundSetChanger | Class controlling the in game Round Set override UI |