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BloonsTD6 Mod Helper


TaskScheduler Class

Class for scheduling Tasks using MelonCoroutines

public static class TaskScheduler

Inheritance System.Object  TaskScheduler


TaskScheduler.ScheduleTask(Action, ScheduleType, int, Func) Method

Schedule a task to execute later on as a Coroutine

public static void ScheduleTask(System.Action action, BTD_Mod_Helper.Api.Enums.ScheduleType scheduleType, int amountToWait, System.Func<bool> waitCondition=null);


action System.Action

The action you want to execute once it's time to run your task

scheduleType ScheduleType

How you want to wait for your task

amountToWait System.Int32

The amount you want to wait

waitCondition System.Func<System.Boolean>

Wait for this to be true before executing task

TaskScheduler.ScheduleTask(Action, Func) Method

Schedule a task to execute later on as a Coroutine. By default will wait until the end of this current frame

public static void ScheduleTask(System.Action action, System.Func<bool> waitCondition=null);


action System.Action

The action you want to execute once it's time to run your task

waitCondition System.Func<System.Boolean>

Wait for this to be true before executing task

TaskScheduler.ScheduleTask(IEnumerator) Method

Schedule a task to execute right now as a Coroutine

public static void ScheduleTask(System.Collections.IEnumerator iEnumerator);


iEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerator

TaskScheduler.WaiterCoroutine(ScheduleType, int) Method

This coroutine will wait for amountToWait before finishing

private static System.Collections.IEnumerator WaiterCoroutine(BTD_Mod_Helper.Api.Enums.ScheduleType scheduleType, int amountToWait);


scheduleType ScheduleType

amountToWait System.Int32



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